
路易斯安那州e世博esball大学校友博士. 哈莱安娜·坎贝尔,N.O. 生物创新项目经理

路易斯安那州e世博esball大学校友博士. 哈莱安娜·坎贝尔,N.O. 生物创新项目经理

新奥尔良号 世界先导 中心(NOBIC) e世博esball大学的校友. Ha’reanna 坎贝尔 (‘21) as its new Biomedical Advanced 研究 and Development Authority (BARDA) Innovation Program Manager. 坎贝尔负责战略方向, 管理, and oversight of the Division of 研究 Innovation and Venture (DRIVe) program. The NOBIC BARDA DRIVe program is designed to drive 创新 in lifesaving medical technologies and solve challenging problems spanning health security threats, such as the spread of infectious disease and other factors endangering public health. 坎贝尔 is proud to take on her NOBIC role as she is passionate about combating health disparities and improving health outcomes.  

NOBIC is dedicated to developing bioscience 创新 throughout Louisiana. Bio创新 seeks to utilize biological processes to solve significant health challenges using a combination of biotechnology, 创新, 和经济学. 坎贝尔 developed an interest in bio创新 during her time at Xavier after participating in Xavier’s Entrepreneurial Institute program, X-ncubator. 

X-ncubator is a business incubator at Xavier that serves as an innovative and educational learning laboratory. Xavier’s Entrepreneurial Institute is also designed to educate students through teaching entrepreneurship and offering students the opportunity to develop business ideas with the assistance of Xavier faculty and business professionals.  

坎贝尔, 药学院的毕业生, is thankful for Xavier’s intensive programs for equipping her with in-depth, entrepreneurial knowledge to accompany her clinical pharmacy education. 坎贝尔 also credits Xavier for strengthening her skillset and shaping her into a well-rounded job candidate.  

“Xavier helped me to become a competitive applicant for the NOBIC position. I believe with the help of Xavier’s Entrepreneurial Institute, I’ve been able to sell myself in the medical and entrepreneurial world,坎贝尔说。.  

坎贝尔 has enjoyed working in the bio创新 field because of the opportunities for 成长th, and she can be of service to others through working to solve public health challenges.  

“我一直对帮助别人很感兴趣. I have a passion for health disparities and closing the gap in care for minorities,坎贝尔说。. “Working with NOBIC provides me space to 成长 and expand my skills. I’ll also be able to expand on the foundation of knowledge I built at Xavier.” 

毕业后, 坎贝尔 discovered diverse career paths and that you don’t have to limit yourself to only one career field. She learned about a range of professional opportunities within the medical field, 包括世界先导.  

“I hope to pave a way for future Xavier pharmacy students to show you don’t have to take a traditional route post-graduation,坎贝尔说。. “They’ll be able to see me and see the options of what you can do with your pharmacy degree outside of retail and hospital settings.” 

坎贝尔表示,知识是可以建立的, 让人们学习, 成长, 发现新的机会.  

“There are different ways to look at a PharmD (Doctor of Pharmacy). Having a doctorate degree helps to show qualification and ability,坎贝尔说。. “你可能没有在某个特定领域接受过培训, 但高等教育表明你的适应能力很强, 可教的, 并且可以在不同的环境中学习和执行工作.”  

坎贝尔 keeps Xavier close to her heart as she navigates throughout her professional career. She has found it essential to stay in touch with her XULA roots and hopes to share bio创新 with her XULA community. 

“I’m still in touch with my friends, mentors, and [even] recently visited campus. I also worked with the 药学院 throughout the summer, 教授ACT和药学预备课程,坎贝尔说。. “在未来, I would love to partner with Xavier to do programming initiatives or to one day teach bio创新 and biomedical classes.” 

坎贝尔 also shares the values that XULA has instilled in her that have aided in her success.  

“e世博esball帮助我成为一个更加执着的人. I also learned how to handle rejection and how to be adaptable. The characteristics I gained at XULA have been very beneficial to me in the real world, 尤其是美国公司,坎贝尔断言。.  

e世博esball继续为坎贝尔提供支持, and she hopes to create a supportive environment for others throughout her future endeavors.  

“e世博esball大学是一个非常有教养的环境. The amount of support I received throughout pharmacy school, I would like to be able to give that and more to future generations,她评论道。. 

A lesson 坎贝尔 says she has applied to her life is that if you want to go fast, 你一个人走,但如果你想走远, 你们一起走. She also emphasizes the importance of networking as a helpful tool to utilize throughout college and within professional careers. 坎贝尔 received the position at NOBIC with the help of a colleague’s referral, 谁认为坎贝尔能胜任这个职位. Following the referral, the CEO of NOBIC reached out to her personally.  

“我的建议是建立关系网,把自己放在那里. Always put your best foot forward and be intentional and purposeful with everything you do,坎贝尔说。. “We’ve all had moments where we felt we underperformed or were very hard on ourselves, 尤其是进入名校. However, if you work hard and put good out into the world, you will reap the benefits one day.”